Neighbors Working Together for a Safer and More Beautiful Block!

Please join us for our Summer Celebration on Saturday June 22, 2024 from 11-2!
at Grace & St. Paul's Church at 123 West 71st Street

at Grace & St. Paul's Church at 4pm

123 West 71st Street

Our next meeting: Saturday March 23rd at 4M. Come meet your neighbors and share and your concerns for our block!

Join us for refreshments,

Block Association T-shirts,

literature, and more.

Children are welcome!

The West 71st St Block Association covers the blocks between Central Park West and Riverside Drive on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

West 71st Street is a great place to live and we are working together to make it even better!

Current issues we are looking into are: Stopping the proposed e-bike charging station for the bow-tie intersection (sign petition below!), beautifying the tree wells,
rats, trash/litter on the sidewalks, scaffolding, nighttime noise and illegal behavior, working with the 20th Precinct and outreach groups to help the homeless, and replacing the newspaper bins with newer and fewer ones.

We work on the above issues by collaborating with local legislators, city agencies, police, both churches on the block, local businesses, outreach to the homeless, Sanitation and Health Departments, landlords, neighbors.

How to help:

1. Tell your neighbors about our block association and have them e-mail us to add them to our list.

2. Call 311 or e-mail 311 at to report block issues. Or call the 20th police precinct at 212.580.6411.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Community Board Passes Resolution to Oppose E-bike Charging Station

This past Tuesday evening March 7, 2023 at the Full Community Board 7 meeting, the Full Board voted  in favor of supporting the resolution to oppose the e-bike charging station on the South Subway Plaza at 72nd Street and Broadway!

Read details in the West Side Rag:

Thanks to the combined efforts of the 71st, 72nd and 73rd Street Block Associations, which included sending a letter to CB7, letters YOU sent, and speaking to our Elected Officials and the press (among other activities to support our position), we were able to make a positive impact.  

This does not mean the proposal is definitely stopped, so we need to continue our advocacy efforts.  Please let your elected officials know you do not support this dangerous idea!

To Friends & Neighbors of the West 72nd Street Area


Did you know that an e-bike-charging station is being planned for the southern part of the West 72nd Street subway island?


Most of us feel this will negatively impact our neighborhood with an increase in garbage, possible bike accidents and dangerous over-crowding at this already dangerous intersection.


While our community board just voted to oppose this project, we need to keep the pressure on until we know this site is no longer being considered for this plan. 

Please call or email our City Councilmember Gale Brewer to urge her to stop this:


Email her at:  or call her office at:

 (212) 873-0282


Your feedback is necessary in order to build the neighborhood and city we want to see! Please share this with friends and family members.

Please join us!


                    West 71st Street Block Association ~

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